Fil Simondi Entertainment
Fil Simondi Entertainment

"Art is something too important to be taken too seriously." 



Welcome to my website Fil Simondi Entertainment!

On this page I'd like to share with you the products of my creative side, such as novels, comics, short stories and illustrations. 


In the various section of this website you will find the synopsis of my novels, full access to my comics and free previews of my books, as well as some pieces of information about myself and some other somewhat artistic activities in which I am involved from time to time. 

Writing and drawing have always been my greatest passions. That is why I came up with the idea of creating my own little brand 'Fil Simondi Entertainment', so that I could collect what I love to do in a single place.

As you can guess from the very name I have chosen, entertainment is a key component of this project. I did not choose to share my works in an attempt to show off the great artist that I am not.

What instead I would like to achieve with my works is to make readers feel some emotions or at least keep them entertained for a while. I have my opinions and set of values, but I am not the preachy type.


Does sharing my works with the world expose my to criticism? Sure, but how could one improve if too scared of facing any negative comment? So long as it is done in a civil and constructive matter, any feedback is welcome.


At the end of the day, I subscribe to the belief that books are meant to be read, not to take dust inside some drawer.

I am not a social media guy - quite the opposite, in fact - but if there is any feedback that you would like to share with me, please feel free to reach out to me. I can be found on Instagram, where you can also discover my other creative passion: baking yummy cakes. 

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